My Breathtaking Journey of Basketball

Do you like basketball? I don’t like it, I LOVE IT! I started shooting when I was five years old, and I’m still playing to this day. I only got interested because my older brothers started playing basketball and since I was the youngest, I did whatever they did. I started shooting for fun and playing against my brothers until I was seven or eight years old and then started playing in a league. When I went into a league, I practiced a lot and got much better over time, but then something terrible happened… the COVID-19 pandemic.

With COVID-19 spreading rapidly all throughout the world, everything was closed, everyone was stuck at home, but that gave me an opportunity to practice all the time! I would go outside for hours and shoot hoops in my driveway. I still have a lot to learn though, and look forward to that. That’s my journey of basketball and I’m going to continue to get better and better!

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